
New Changes to Employer Sponsored Visas

 New Changes to Employer Sponsored Visas

Navagating New Changes to Employer Sponsored Visas

Effective 1st July 2024 In a bid to enhance labour market mobility and combat worker exploitation, the Australian Government has announced pivotal changes to several key visa conditions affecting temporary migrant workers.

These changes, set to take effect from 1 July 2024, will impact holders of the

  • Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (Subclass 457),
  • Temporary Skill Shortage visa (Subclass 482), and
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (provisional) visa (Subclass 494).

Here’s a detailed overview of the changes:

Enhanced Flexibility for Employment Transitions :

One of the most significant updates is the extension of time granted to visa holders who cease employment with their sponsoring employer. Previously, these individuals had limited time to find new sponsorship or alternative visa arrangements. Under the new regulations, they will now have:

  • Up to 180 days at a time to secure new sponsorship or make visa arrangements.
  • A maximum of 365 days in total across their visa grant period to manage employment transitions without risking visa cancellation.

During this transition period, visa holders are permitted to work for other employers, even in occupations not covered by their initial sponsorship, provided such roles do not require specific licenses or registrations they do not possess.

Conditions During Employment Transition

While enjoying increased flexibility, visa holders must adhere to specific conditions:

  • They must cease employment with their current sponsor before commencing work with a new employer, unless exempted.
  • Throughout their employment with the initial sponsor, they must continue to work within their nominated occupation.
  • They are prohibited from engaging in roles that require specific licenses or registrations unless duly qualified and compliant.

Responsibilities of Sponsors

Employers sponsoring visa holders are obligated to promptly inform the Department of Home Affairs of any changes in the visa holder’s employment status within 28 days. This includes instances of resignation or changes in sponsorship.

Applicability and Impact

These changes apply to both current visa holders and those granted visas on or after 1 July 2024. It’s important to note that any periods during which a visa holder ceased employment before this date will not count toward the new extended timeframes.

Benefits Across Visa Categories

  • Temporary Work (Skilled) Visa (Subclass 457): Offers increased flexibility during employment transitions, reducing the immediate risk of visa cancellation due to job loss.
  • Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482): Provides extended timeframes to secure new employment, thereby safeguarding the visa holder’s ability to sustain themselves while exploring alternative opportunities in Australia.
  • Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 494): Particularly benefits holders in regional areas by facilitating extended periods to secure regional sponsorships or explore alternative visa pathways, promoting stability and growth in regional communities.


The upcoming changes to visa conditions 8107, 8607, and 8608 signify a pivotal shift in Australia’s approach to temporary migration, emphasizing fairness, flexibility, and productivity.

These reforms aim to protect migrant workers from exploitation while empowering them with greater freedom to contribute meaningfully to the Australian economy. By fostering a more dynamic labour market, Australia seeks to attract and retain skilled talent essential for its continued growth and prosperity.

For those navigating these changes or seeking further clarification, consulting with a qualified migration agent is advisable to ensure compliance and maximize opportunities under the new regulations.

Book a Visa Consultation If you have questions or need assistance navigating these changes, our Registered Migration Agents are here to help.

Contact us today on 0415419414 to schedule a consultation and explore your visa options under the updated regulations or visit

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Preeti helped me during the entire application process. She was extremely helpful. I had to present a lot of documentation and she provided amazing advice. She has also checked every single detail from every letter I presented (including every word!!) I HIGHLY recommend her.

Natalia Amado, May 2021

After exploring for about 2-3 months for right service provider for immigration, I came across with Better Life Migration and there the guidance received from Preeti D’silva  has been outstanding.
She has patiently answered all my queries and guided me to the right way and right choice of Visa. The trustworthy word of mouth from Preeti Mam i.e ” You are in right hands” clicked me and I started my Journey of PR and got My Visa Approval in within 6 weeks that itself is a miracle as I am offshore and My dream comes true with the service. She handled all the queries and my curiosity towards various aspects of the visa application. For any Visa application an expert advice is more than anything and I got expertise at Better Life migration. I would highly recommend Better Life Migration for anyone looking for an experienced Migration Agent who can deliver great results.

Amit Verma, April 2021

Great work from Preeti D’Silva. I am so glad and satisfied with the service from Better Life Migration, who has provided an amazing service. Keep up the good work!

Christina Surendra, April 2021
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